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    News & Announcement

    Deputation to NBU Registrar (officiating ) on 12/07/2024

     In NBUAA Letterhead

    To                                                                                                                                12/07/2024

    The Registrar ( Officiating),

    University of North Bengal.


    Your attention is drawn to the enclosed Report published in the print media regarding de-recognition of the Department of Law, NBU by the Bar Council of India ( BCI ) on account of non-compliance of prescribed procedures since 2011 including payment of Fees.

    The Department of Law was established as early as 1974 when  3 yrs. LL.B. was only taught.  Subsequently, 5 yrs. LL.B., 5 yrs. LL.B. Hons. and LL.M. were introduced. A large number of alumni of the Department who obtained LL.M. degree are registered in our Association. They have approached us in as much as they feel  panicked having perused the Report. They apprehend that their Degrees, if declared unrecognized by the Bar Council of India, will land them in acute crisis and may result in their summary removal from service and / or profession.

    We are sure that you are apprised of the grave consequences and repercussions that the Report entails.

    We., therefore, request you to kindly take necessary action so that the dispute or conflict with the Bar Council of India is settled as soon as possible. We also request you to cause an internal enquiry into the merits of the Report and how the issue of BCI recognition, mandatory for all Law Colleges and University Departments, could have been ignored over such a long period of 11 years.

    We hope prompt action from your end will resolve the problem and assuage the uncertainties created among all stakeholders of the Department of Law, NBU.

    With our best regards,


                                                                                                              Fazlur Rahaman

    Dr. T.K.Chatterjee

    President                                                                                          Secretary

    tps.chatterjee@gmail.com                                            fazlar.rahaman@gmail.com

    9434716901                                                                                    94342 58191

    Posted on: Friday, 12th July 2024


    Dr.Tapas Kr. Chatterjee
    President, N.B.U. Alumni Association
    Mobile : +91 9434716901
    E-mail : tps.chatterjee@gmail.com

    Mr. Fazlur Rahaman
    Secretary, N.B.U. Alumni Association
    E-mail : fazlar.rahaman@gmail.com;
    Mobile : +91 9434258191

    Dr. Gopal Dey
    Treasurer, NBU Alumni Association
    Phone : 9434247751
    Email: gopaldey23@gmail.com
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