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NOTICE of 19th Annual General Meeting.
19th Annual General Meeting
The 19th Annual General Meeting of the North Bengal University Alumni Association will be held on Sunday, March 20, 2022 in the Conference Hall, NBU Administrative Building at 10.30 am. The AGM will be inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, NBU.
- To confirm Minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting held on 14/03/2021.
- To consider Report of the Secretary for the Period 14/03/2021 - 19/03/22.
( To be Sent to each Member by E-mail ).
- (a) To consider the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2020-21 and
- To report the Audited Statement of Accounts of Covid Pandemic Relief Fund of Phase I & II.
( To be sent to each Member by E-mail as Annexure to Agenda No. 2 ).
- To consider Amendment of the Constitution under the Section : Composition & Election of the Executive Committee to provide for one Vice-President, one Assistant Secretary and one Assistant Treasurer.
- Miscellaneous :
( 1) Release of the Book ( Of Hills and Plains of North Bengal : A Panoply of Socio-Economic, Cultural and Political Issues )
(2) Release of the Video on the Glorious 20 years of NBU Alumni Association.
(3) Lunch at Guest House.
Contact: 9434716901 / tps.chatterjee@gmail.com / nbuaalumniassociation@gmail.com.
NOTE : Please confirm by whatsup or Email, (1) your attendance in the AGM and (2) whether accommodation is required in NBU Guest House to enable us the logistics and planning.